The Membership

Energetic Balance for Busy Moms.

Are you ready to feel more consistent inner peace and self-expansion?

Imagine feeling the relaxing energetics wash over you as you listen to a short visualization that calms your mind when you're feeling anxious. And it's available at your fingertips, whenever you need it.

What if tomorrow, you begin your day feeling mentally clear and focused on an intention that will help guide you through your morning.

Imagine that this weekend, you experience your first live Energy Work Session and feel a subtle shift, as if an invisible weight that you didn't know you were carrying has lifted off of you.

What if in a month, your intuition has started to grow as your mind, body, and soul become used to the consistent and gentle energetic care that you've worked into your routine. And as you come into this alignment, you feel a stronger sense of self - more deeply rooted and confident in the path you're taking forward.

How else could your life change if you sprinkled this simple program throughout your week? The Membership provides purposeful and transformative energetic care that fits into your life in as little as 5-minutes per day.

You'll have access to...

You'll have access to...

  • A Weekly Live-Streamed Energy Work Session Led by Kelsey. Sessions are around 15-minutes each and total at least an hour of relaxing, transformative, and consistent energetic healing and support every month. Sessions typically take place every Saturday or Sunday morning at 9AM PST. Monthly schedule is available in the calendar tab on the app. Equally beneficial live-stream recordings are available after each session if you are not able to attend.

  • Energy-Infused Visualizations that are all conveniently under 10-minutes long. Listen to one daily or whenever you have time. Current titles include "Morning Intention Setting", "Calm", "Rooted & Revitalized", "Nightly Reset", "Happy Inner Child", and more. New Visualizations are added every month. You can browse, bookmark, download, or replay your favorites to receive the energetics whenever you'd like.

  • An Energy Work Session Journal to help you track your progress throughout your membership.

  • An Energetics Community Forum where you can ask Kelsey questions, share your experiences, connect with other moms, and request upcoming session topics. (Participation is optional.)

  • Convenient Access to all of the above on our iOS and Android mobile apps.

  • BONUS! Private Session Discount for 20% off of Private Energetics Sessions with Kelsey.

Daily Energetics' innovative energy work system includes a collection of energetic frequencies with specific focuses, corresponding tools, and themes. Energetics that clear, heal, and reframe can be channeled to a client's issue or area of growth with pinpointed accuracy and care.

Energy Work Sessions and Energy-Infused Visualizations are centered around the following...

Is The Membership a good fit for me?

The membership could be a good fit for you if…

✓ You’re curious and open-minded about trying energy work, or have enjoyed trying energy work in the past.

✓ You're seeking more inner peace.

✓ You feel triggered by certain situations, people, or thoughts of your past and wish you could improve this.

✓ You feel like you hold yourself back, and would like to work on reframing these habits.

✓ You’re ready to work on the energy in your life.

This is not currently a good fit for you if…

✕ You don’t feel open to energy work.

✕ You don’t feel ready for change or ready to to focus on your energetics at this time.

✕ You want to try a session, but don’t plan to follow prompts or focus on receiving energetics.

Why weekly live sessions, and what if I miss one?

If you have tried energy work or other healing modalities in the past, you likely seek it out in times of need - when you feel unbalanced or when you are struggling with something.

The Daily Energetics Membership delivers a small amount of focused energy work on a daily basis through our Energy-Infused Visualizations, and each weekend through a live-streamed focused session, helping you receive more consistency, balance, support, and progress day by day.

If you accidentally miss a live session, or need to skip a day, that is just fine. This program is completely flexible and can fit into your life however it works best for you. It’s up to you which sessions you attend live, which you partake in later, and which ones you feel you don't need to do. Recorded sessions are filled with all of the energetic benefits of the live sessions.

When are the sessions and how do I view them?

Live sessions typically take place every Saturday or Sunday at 9AM PST (Los Angeles Time), any deviation from this timing will be noted on the membership Calendar.

You will find the schedule posted in the calendar tab on the Daily Energetics mobile app.

If you miss a live session, the session video will be available as a recorded session later that day.

Live and recorded sessions can be viewed on the Daily Energetics app, or by signing in on the website.

Is remote energy work any less effective than in-person energy work?

It is not less effective as the energy comes from an infinite source. It is just less personalized than a private session would be.

I find distance energy work more effective as a practitioner, and as a client. It allows me to focus more deeply and with less distractions.

How should I prepare for a session?

Before a weekend session, find a comfortable quiet space where you can sit or lay down to relax. If you'd like, take a moment to record any notes in your Daily Session Journal in regard to that day's focus. For live sessions, be sure to join a few moments early because sessions start on time. 

During a session, all you need to do is listen and follow prompts given by Kelsey, and then focus on receiving the energetics. 

Can I cancel my membership anytime?

If you'd like to cancel your membership, you may do so via the same method that you signed up. If you joined through our website, you can cancel through your profile settings when signed in on the website. If you joined through the Apple mobile app, you can cancel through your iPhone Settings > Apple ID > Subscriptions. 

If you cancel, your current paid membership period will finish out, and will not renew at the completion date.

What is energy work? Where does it come from, and what does it feel like?

Energetic work is when a practitioner has the ability to channel peaceful, positive, light-filled universal energetic frequencies with their hands. They are used to clear, balance, and reframe energy. I currently work with 11 frequencies, each one has unique traits and specific focuses that they are used for.

I have heard the feelings a person might experience during an energy work session described in many ways:

A fluttery feeling above or around them, gentle waves of energy washing over them, an energetic bubble bath, or feeling like a light invisible blanket is comforting them. I very often experience warm and cold sensations, and feel like my hands are being held.

After the session, the most common response I hear is that the client feels lighter. Greatly depending on what was worked on, it is common to note a feeling of release from or being less bothered by an issue, feeling relaxed, and feeling a more positive outlook.